Fostering a Sense of Connection with “Socially Distanced” Employees

With all the separation caused by COVID-19, many employees are feeling disconnected from their work “family.” Now, more than ever, employee communications are crucial for disseminating important information. People are hungry for reliable news and information. A recent Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report found that “employee communications” are the most credible source of coronavirus (COVID-19) […]

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6 Tips for Increasing Newsletter and Magazine Submissions

One of the challenges of regularly producing a company magazine or employee newsletter is pulling together useful content. A common mistake is trying to create all that content yourself or through a small team. The more articles, photos and other contributions you can solicit from others, the less work you’ll have to do. Also, a […]

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5 Publication Design Tips for Improved Readability

Professional publication design is all about communicating effectively. While you certainly want your magazine, newsletter or annual report to look great, the real goal is to inform and educate your reader. The key to doing that is to design your publication for easy readability. Here are five simple tips to do just that. Balance Text […]

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Employee Newsletters Offer Massive ROI as the Cornerstone of Internal Communications

Effective, regular internal communications with employees can have a significant impact on boosting profits and driving your company’s success. And when it comes to the communication tools, nothing beats the employee newsletter. That’s right, the terribly unsexy employee newsletter. In a rapidly changing world of intranets, Twitter, blogs, wikis, internal social networks, podcasts and online […]

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4 Simple Tips to Designing an Annual Report that Informs and Inspires

A well-designed annual report should effectively showcase the accomplishments of your organization, how it is successfully realizing its mission and communicate its financials concisely and visually. It may sound easy but based on the plethora of staid, boring annual reports out there it can be tricky to pull off.

The key is choosing the right information and conveying it in a manner that appeals to the reader. Here are four tips for designing annual reports that inform and inspire.

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5 Tips for an Engaging Alumni Magazine

A well-designed alumni magazine is one of the very best ways to foster engagement with your alumni. The key to creating a publication that recipients actually look forward to reading is to give them what they want. Here are five tips for designing an alumni magazine that will be well-read rather than tossed in the recycle bin.

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How Employee Publications Use Recognition to Inspire and Motivate

In an article entitled, “Is Your Employee Newsletter Doing Its Job?” the author relays the story of an employee who experienced the most rewarding moment in his 30-year career. What was this momentous moment? It was simply being featured in the employee newsletter. His children were so excited about seeing their father in “the paper” that he might as well have been on the cover of “Time” magazine. The worker reported that he had never felt more important to the company and motivated in his work.

The author goes on to write about how vital internal communication is to employees, highlighted by the fact that when there is any kind of mention in the employee newsletter, they are practically sprinting down the hall to get it.

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